Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Way Too Long From My Last Post

I know! It's been way too long from my last post but I've been busy. Plus, I can't get my pictures off my camera. For some reason, it's not working and I need Rob to help me. I want so badly to get some new pictures on here from Carissa's first day of 1st grade. It will probably be up by Thanksgiving break! :-) I've also been job hunting since July which is taking most of my computer time away from me. I've had some luck having three interviews so far (at three seperate companies but I turned down two already) and two to go. I have some really good options. I just want to be in the Lord's will so I'm praying all the time to know which one is the best if more than one is offered. We just need to make some big changes in terms of my schedule soon! I will write more as I can find the time and the pictures..................

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